Thursday, December 31, 2009
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When in 2009 went towards my husband knew that this year would be a dramatic change and watched optimistic about the future, despite the crisis and violence prediction. It is safe to say to all of our expectations have been realized and more.
In January we waited so excited to get the ultrasound to check the inheritor - check to see if he was not really complete and sællegur and preferably try to find that each gender he was. The former was confirmed, Freydís chose to let the community pull out an exact line between just right and had kirfilega legs crossed.
few days before the inspection found Haukur first moves from the outside and the course of the month could say that the project had to carry only a pregnancy. Although it was not until February that someone unfamiliar dared to conclude how come it would be for me.
This month the Hawk began doctoral studies in Icelandic with his job as a programmer in the Library and has really smiled since the ring. Towards the end of the month revealed that a project he was working was friendly power assumed that he went into full time research closely related to the doctoral program from the middle year. It was a very happy, but raised a few questions about the future, because it is difficult to be employed full time in two places and their newborn on the way!
Finally, finally I stopped the regular intake of medicines sjóveiki this month when pregnancy nausea went on to become manageable. Admittedly, we took some contractions in the sphere of us a little bit afraid, but were meinlausir know.
In February, I began also organized sports the first time in many years - began to show up in pregnancy channels in Mecca Spa in Reykjavik where the group íturvaxinna attracts women swimming in shallow pool as dopa whales. Very nice.
I let the first Twilight book get it on óþvegið bókakaffi IBBY which was held at Tea & coffee in the language and culture. It was fun and it was surprisingly crowded. Later worked out an article that appeared in the talk, children and culture in the spring.
this month had made the couple also flæma us on the first course of many in relation to expected arrival inheritor. Brain hímdum evening with the knowledge about breastfeeding (and had at least one hláturskast while it happened) and I think I can say we have not used the knowledge of when the child was born. Some things you just can not learn in advance.
Month began in the Hawk, expectant father standing in the midst of economic crisis, saying their work available to devoted themselves to academic work. Galið completely, but also perfectly correct decision, since happiness leaked of him since. But we thought it was still so surreal that we decided to not to have the matter in flimtingum with relatives and friends at this time ...
In March, The December conference on children's books, I had this time a small part, but I had attended several planning meetings on behalf of both IBBY and Information. It was brilliant fun and drunk out from the door. I liked it a sign of interest in culture was driven by increasing economic and rejoiced over it.
After the failed kyngreiningu inheritor in January and my husband decided that we were willing to count out a lot of money to find out how it was grown and trot down the red in three-dimensional ultrasounds in March. Where we saw the wonders of a beautiful little child - which was unexpected, because despite the ball and kicks, I had not really fully appreciate on the inside of me a little bit but leyndist almost fully formed human being. And the baby girl was unquestionable and in an instant, he became Snúllan our Snúllan.
I was getting tired a bit in April and decline makers were still bothering me, so I reduced the employment rate to 75% after Easter. It was awfully nice to be able to go straight to bed at three o'clock!
This month we also called foreldrafræðslu courses by primary health care, where we fræddumst of impending birth. It was just sand fine and good to go kynnisferð the hospital and thus, though we had long ago decided that the baby was born at home would be possible.
eighth in May we had a bit special barnaafmæli - was welcomed by a year had passed since the moment the fetus was born that was not considered life. Then it seemed also clear if so unlikely that the baby had the premature birth of would be something more than a little bent to it. But this day samglöddumst as said girl was almost completely equal to one year and other children, despite having been born three months premature and each played with his fingers as she hossaðist new kick his car. Sólrún Harper was a miracle of 2008, but it gets really now also the title of a miracle for 2009!
in May began repairs on the house us who had long been on the agenda. OK, this should come up, but quite boring during this time. Freydís was also a problem this month - had to sit for some time in the womb and was the place to cross. We took strict exercise books from major pregnancy apostle to urge her to rotation, which finally brought success.
Long had been to let the engineer bókahillur into our room and in May was finally construction. Guðmundur carpenter produced a really beautiful work and we had some relatives flock to assist us in bringing the cupboards and books on all flat, so something more than would arise for the inheritor.
In May we Hulda such support from Kopavogur to develop educational materials that we had been crafting with the publication Center Library Kópavogur Rith Ring Sins, but it was clear that the portion of working time which we could reasonably put in the work avail not exist. This work has been ongoing since and will continue through the winter.
May at work ended with a very fine cultural tour of Reykjavík which was visited museums and ate good food.
definitely the richest event month of the year. He began on Monday and the weekend after I turned it back to work, since almost a full life. My first holiday was told that on Tuesday and then I lost legvatnið on a Friday, so I ekki.naut many weeks as we iðjuleysi og ég hafði séð fyrir mér! Og þrjátíu tímum síðar, laugardaginn 6. júní, skaust lítil rauðhærð stúlka í heiminn í stofunni heima hjá sér, svo allt öðruvísi en ég hafði séð hana fyrir mér, en samt óumdeilanlega það fullkomnasta sem ég hafði augum litið.
Hún hlaut nafn á þjóðhátíðardag Íslendinga og tveimur dögum síðar tók ungbarnakveisan við. Elsku stelpan okkar orgaði eins og væri verið að rista hana á hol öll kvöld næstu vikur og sumarið einkenndist af löngum gönguferðum at night (baby slept most of hreifingu) and often watched you sing on the night of glacier change in the dawn, where the man stood on the kitchen floor with a baby wrapped in her breast, singing, listening to the fan and the vaggaði.
We found it very strong around the birth of our daughter what we and many good friends - an incredible number of people said to us and sent us to this juncture that we felt very loved.
this month my law degree so the two positions in one go and we were going all torn by pride over it. The day after Amy went and got married under the oaks leaf decoration Cave did, since I had the honor to be the answer man brides. A wonderful day and the evening went Freydís in child care for the first time while her parents were wedding of their friends.
When July came towards the end of the summer nýbakaða father and he was forced to confess to world that he would not return to the Library as an employee, write my way. It went well and we Freydís enjoyed the benefits of what students living at high flexibility compared to regular employees.
of this month I saw advertised smásagnasamkeppni by the week, every deadline was about to expire. I was already there was not yet come to think of anything except Freydis for four weeks, though it is lovely is not it good to feel you can do nothing unless given breasts. So Hawk relieved me of most parenting duties unless breast-feeding one weekend and I sullaði a short short story I sent in the contest. A short while later revealed that she had rejected in the third. I'm so hégómleg that I thought was important that I published some poetry in 2009 and with the Redd tion made it.
Freydís spent the first month anniversary of Þingvallasveit and there was also her first smile.
Towards the end of the month I got a terrible attack of pain and was shortly afterwards diagnosed with gallstones, which were the result of pregnancy. It was clear that the surgery would take place after the summer holidays of health care.
In August Freydís went on their first course and it was in infant massage. The course was a gift from Sólrúnu offers a choice and parents and all had both good and enjoy it.
There we were thus only starting to get used to being parents, so the month as a way pretty much the shock game and jobs. Then headache now also rapidly improving towards the end of the month.
In early September, I finally found a gallstone operation that was a great relief, because I had lived in terror of getting another attack from the analysis. 30 hours child birth seemed easy compared to half an hour throwing stones! The action was as good as could be hoped for and I was inside the hospital for twelve hours. End as well - sinks barnfóstra team failed to get one drop of milk on top a young child in my fjarrveru, no matter what methods were applied, so Freydís got a very interesting cocktail of anesthetics with milk that day.
Towards the end of the month started with the infant, which may Freydís moderately right now like! It seemed all the other children unnecessarily loud and often went to háskæla while someone else went to Vola. In October, however, went to walk more and she stopped screaming their coverage before the season ended.
At that point the story had become clear that the child was not enough to gain weight, despite the blood, sweat and tears had been dumped in breast-feeding so we were serious attempts to get it in dry milk refill. Everyone by surprise was the four-month angina handle drinking stútkönnu of which increased dramatically in independence.
It was a great relief Freydís was not as completely dependent on his mother about nutrition, but I admit it's still a bit strange to be arrived at on point in life to use stútkönnu should be the primary victory October.
In November we were skikkuð to start porridge gifts, to heavier child better. It went pretty well from the beginning and svefnmál were also getting in some rational direction. Also picked to parents and parenting courses are now in our possession documents indicating that we may face a rather fits in stores ... Nætursvefninn went to get a better attitude and everyone was happy with it.
In the middle of the month I still advertised writing competition (I just can not pass them!), This time by Salka publisher. Örsögu was advertised by the spirit of chick-lit stories and I threw one and got one of the two additional awards.
Stórtíðindi month were quite different in kind. When a child is expecting hálfsystkini, is probably rather Fahey that both parents are sincerely excited over it - a general rule, when half-brothers and sisters are coming for just one child's parents to join the case.
But there is another way to have relatives who are equally bound man and hálfsystkini. Children of two sibling pairs are equally similar, and namely hálfsystkini and in November we got the Hawk to know that our brothers and sisters are expecting a baby around the first birthday Freydis. This is so wonderful and exciting that we Warbler of happiness about it all many times a day and can not wait to meet the expected baby siblings. They are sooo Freydís to become best friends.
Advent was quite comfortable in a small family. Freydís was finally starting to get enough to eat and turned out to be a happy child most of my husband and a lot of fun to spend time with her. First tooth came between Christmas and New Year and soon after the first cold pests.
month was characterized also by the fact that Hawk tried to make the best final days as a student while I engdist of that should go back to work. End of the year starts Hawk said that the maternity leave and my finishes sixth January.
holidays have been nice and we wait for new year filled with expectation.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
1870 Micro Groove Barrel-mod.336 Cal 30-30
strange how a person can be limited. I was repeatedly going over it in my mind how the construction of the installation would jólarunnans. I would lead a multi-port behind the hall cupboards, as normal and move the pot plant from his corner that could get a Christmas tree.
Then I realized. More what a person can be stupid. I could not put a pot plant where she is used to stay over the Christmas season, because we have to change the layout of the apartment, after that we had made cabinets built into the room. Fool-Dúnja-place the plant had to flee the home shelving now! It would have to find some good solution to this.
It took many hours until I realized that the pot plant Hiri with a bad game in his old place in the room, the built-in cabinets the previously mentioned narrow significantly to it. There is clearly no way fjöltengi to crawl behind a wall fixed cupboards, which cover also almost completely out of the corner of a Christmas tree so that there could get would be for the rake handle and wire ...
Projects evening turns out to be somewhat unexpected to find a new location for the Christmas tree.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Menards Retaining Wall Blocks
if it's just an illusion? ask what is the truth ... If it was the only claim that the same man, with tremendous force, but fragile, can not actually meet, for its inability to discern truth from falsehood, or better , by appearance ...
Is not that all the questions on it (I mean the truth) actually come as a huge fatal error: I think I can understand ourselves through our own efforts, being able to manage through the use of feeble capacity , that we were given ...
I mean, in other words, who said that man is indeed capable of discerning the truth? sometimes I think that it the Truth with "V" capital ", is so deep and boundless, endless and timeless, that man can not claim to own it, to be able to capture, let alone (imagine) to be able to understand!
We find it hard to understand what whale in mind when we get up in the morning and, unable to completely shake off the dreams of the night, we allow ourselves to be surrounded by strange and incomprehensible feelings that our own unconscious product has not yet ... we understand! at least not entirely ...
I reside in this point our incurable need to dig in, sometimes even making the bad ... I think this arises from our greatness and misery, the duality of our minds, just before reaching for the stars, the moment After sinking into a deep misty shadows made of ... But is not the essential condition of man playing with himself, to ensure that its contradictions will surface? through such a hard path to the soul is purified and is powerful ... It's just going along this path can hope one day to perceive the Truth ... What's needed is "hope" and a blind faith in trying ... Well for me a "Truth will make you free" ...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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noticed remember diaper blog. It had the intended results and Gro Baby fabrikkan wrote me and said he happy to give me a pack of paper and post one shell, but I would in fact have to pay postage costs for this from the time I was outside Fylkjanna Band.
I explored the issue. It was been giving me 35 dollars and goods that would cost me ... 35 dollars to send them to. Still I decided to make noise, because I was both excited and a little gift with me being so much freely friend Baby Gro men that they would pay me a friendship this way.
I submitted the order to 19th Baby Gro October. The package was finally received by me today. On this forty-three days that have elapsed since then has Freydís certainly go up in size bleyjunum paper and post it technically too small. But let it be. Worse, I felt the need to pay 3,654 crowns for this particular gift delivered.
I have to stare a bit of Postal import 3E tonight to get a sense that what this place. The product is correctly identified as Product Sample at customs, which must indicate that I have not paid for it. The invoice also stated that I had received a 35 dollar "discount" of the product - ie get it free. I said the same rate of duty in the e-mail yesterday. Yet this is so foreign tollað amount that is based on a 71 dollar, ie twice more than I paid for the shipment. So this is putting 10% duty, 24.5% VAT and 450 kr. customs fees.
It'd better not fall inheritor decided to pee in these diapers, her mother got a gift. It would be too groddaleg treatment on one such luxury goods!