Sunday, January 30, 2011
Good Basketball Songs To Run Out To
colleague was robbed - cleaned out the apartment that she rented with a friend. One lock just broke down, the second opened, dragged a lot of valuable things, money.
In general, I decided to insert himself a second door, inside. One could, of course, put one single, good, instead of present, a simple, metal-dermatinovoy, but you will agree, two is better than one, and even warmer. Moreover, the presence of foreign superdveri - is in itself a sign rogues: there is something to make money! And so - let the old stands, it is strong enough that it is not broke down the shoulder. Of course, the two locks to open no problem, but by slashing them, the enemies run into even stronger where there is antibampingovaya larva, enclosed armored plating. Yes, I know, a specialist and it will open, but do it to have an open outer door, in my opinion, napryazhno.
Or I underestimate the crooks? :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Merilyn Sakova Stream
"According to legend, the Roman boy Guy Muzio was, stole into the Etruscans camp, kill the king Porsenna, besieged the city. However, he was caught. Porsena threatened him with cruel torture, and demanded to give associates. Wanting to show how little he was afraid of pain and death, Muzio he lowered his right hand in the fire and did not utter a sound until the smoldering hand ".
an example of this heroic action brought millions of children.
And yet somehow do not like to think that insensitivity Mutsiya (who was later nicknamed Scaevola - "Lefty") to pain could be the result of not (only) strength of spirit, and some diseases, such as lack of pain receptors or poor conduction of nerve impulses.
Well you do not want to even think about it! )))
As I wrote here, in stories not my forte, so I do not remember how to name a certain Russian prince, who was considered too proud, because he is to no one bowed his head (for which he was then, incidentally, killing). So, as a child reading the results of an autopsy tomb of this prince. It turned out that a person from birth fused several vertebrae, causing it physically was not able to tilt your head. And everybody thought that it was of pride ...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Mirena Metallic Taste
listened to the historical narrative Eugene Tarle "Napoleon" . Keenly felt, how bad I was taught in school history, how little I know about great people. Because, unfortunately, the image of Napoleon in person, I formed from 1) the eponymous cake, 2) a small and funny man in a cocked hat with the traditional shove the lapels of his uniform hand - a sort of visitor psihlechebnitsy, 3) the commander, which crashed near Moscow.
And the fact that out of more than 60 battles he defeated, probably only two, as in the 1812 campaign was not a single battle which he lost, he managed to push the boundaries of the empire to unprecedented extent that the French people adored him, even after the deposition that he was even at the zenith of fame is not zapadlo was personally lead troops forward under fire and bayonets, it somehow falls out of context. Still, we are able to build a school, patriotic education so that in the minds of children, "our" are obtained heroes, such as Zhukov and Suvorov, and "not ours" - a pathetic failure, such as Paulus and Karl XII.
... When they say, they say, "it would have energy for peaceful purposes, yes!" I am not always imagined, SC, in principle, it is possible. Yes, Napoleon was great not only on the battlefield, he is well versed in politics, economics, law, etc. May be out of it came to a brilliant foreign minister or head of Dalstroi. Still, it was the perfect war machine. A sort of tank "Leopard" which, of course, can be used for peaceful purposes, such as a tractor or ATV, but it is infinitely lower the potential of what he actually possesses and what was originally intended.
What Does A Rare Wolf Look Like
came a terrific newsletter - the announcement of a new magazine with umoproyasnitelnym called Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man "
Who cares -
preparing to publish the first issue of the International Scientific and popular fitness magazine Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man. " Our magazine is established
Krasnodar regional public organization "Academy psihogolubeterapii - Treatment dove."
idea of creating magazine did not emerge immediately and not today. This publication - the result of hard work, extensive training and the incredible efforts of people of different professions, attitudes and nationalities. Over his release worked ornithologists, psychologists, therapists, biologists, Pigeon and just nature lovers who believe in the future and the miraculous power psihogolubeterapii.
the pages of our magazine you can find many new and interesting facts about different breeds of pigeons, their content, feeding and prevention of many diseases through psihogolubeterapii. What is "psihogolubeterapiya? - You ask. The answer - is treated pigeons through their hearing, contemplation, communion with them. This is a highly effective method of healing various diseases that have a psycho-somatic nature. Long noted that the observation of the flight of these birds, their movements and behavior, have a great healing effect on humans. The main thing - to stop the habitual negative thoughts that destroy the human body. Involvement in communication with the pigeons carries a positive charge recovery.
Editorial Board hopes in close contact with their readers, with Pigeon. We will be happy if we publish it all together, together. Send newspaper and magazine clippings Related golubevodstva and psihogolubeterapii, your photos, pictures, articles, notes, stories and poems about the pigeons, their communion with them. We are very interested in your emotions, inner feelings, insight, experienced in dealing with these magnificent birds. In the future we plan to start manufacturing pigeon attributes: products plaster birds, various metals, ceramics, pottery, glass, porcelain, wood and stone. We will produce and distribute the coins, figurines, goblets, medals, badges, cigarette cases, as well as postage stamps, postcards, calendars, chevrons, pennants, posters depicting doves. In addition, forthcoming book "Psihogolubeterapiya. Treatment of pigeons, or introduction to the miracle, "the author YI Harchuk.
The term "International" in the title of our journal is also not accidental. Today edited by enlisted the support and desire to help produce our publication, many Russian and foreign ornithologists, Pigeon, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. The journal is published in Russian and English languages and distributed worldwide.
word, "Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man" - this is your guide in the infinite space of feelings and emotions, your source of healing and self-knowledge, your indispensable prompter and assistant! Start your journey in the world of creativity and healing, together with our magazine!
Treatment pigeons - it is certainly a miracle.
Ash pepper it all - separate directions animaloterapii.
But if allocated, then let's build logs
- Psihopaukoterapiya + Spiders and Man
- Psihoslizneterapiya + Molluscs and Man
- Psihoryboterapiya + Fish and Man
- Psihokoneterapiya + Horses and Man
- Psihosobakoterapiya + Dogs and Man
- Psihoobezyanoterapiya + Monkeys and Man
- Psihoovtseterapiya + Sheep and Man
There is no limit to perfection!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Does Masterbation Cause A Weak Blatter
In our shopping mall opened a boutique, which sells all sorts of devices CCTV and laser stuff. Surprised by the price list, in which the product is Power Laser II-600mW already sold over 30 000. A sort of magic wand, Pointer marked "Ray hit a 40 km.
I asked the seller, but why do I need this thing? A dog knows it, he says, but just so, a trifle. No, I insist, perhaps for something it badly, eh? Well, let's say, the signals in the nearby town of feeding, the clouds of paint, etc. Perhaps, he says.
No, I just ugorayu from such sellers ... )))
In fact, деле, этой фиговиной хорошо врагов зрения лишать. :) Светанул в глаз - и хана сетчатке. А если изделие помощнее выбрать, то им, говорят, можно и костёр зажечь. И, кстати, What about the clouds, I guess - is that if a person lost in the woods, it is enough to write SOS in heaven, that he was noticed from orbit. ))))
Pregnant And Griha Pravesh
Since the beginning of the year in stores stopped selling incandescent bulbs of 100 watts. And, they say that in the future disappear from the shelves and other, less powerful. Mol, guide country called for the savings. Although I personally do something not particularly believe in savings because of the already burned several of these now "saving" (much more expensive, by the way), light bulbs, and has not developed a resource.
Again, how to deal with chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps and other lighting fixtures, with a built- rheostat ? After all, there can not be screwed "energosberegalki!
What can we do?
Hopefully on traditional Russian intelligence.
Today, won read with pleasure that some places have already started producing capacity of 95 watt bulbs, and, as experts say, their power can be even more than 100 watts, as, according to the standards, the deviation of the lamp power - plus or minus 10 watts.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Make Authorization
found unexpectedly song of Sparks, which are not listened to years, is wrong, 25. Great feeling!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Vocabulary Workshop Level E Review Unit 4-6
Assuming that the individual is having in the germ cells of XX chromosomes is female, and XY - male, then the chicken should be recognized a man and a rooster - a woman. In fact, contrary to our conception of the cock as supermuzhike who regularly ogulivaet bunch chickens and not let in his harem other applicants, he did exactly XX-chromosome. And his "wives" - just the XY ...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Closet Flange Flush With Floor
listened audioroman Henry Lyons Oldie "Living for the last time" . Very much disappointed. Do not like it when the author tries to score points, complicating its product structure, especially tangled plot, picking ideas and heads, sometimes, on polufraze. It's as if Madame would be ugly to talk with men incomprehensible and incomplete sentences, hiding and running away from issues in the hope that this mystery will make it more attractive.
In general confusion.
Usually several story lines, sometimes quite different, in some currently overlap, and everything falls into place, causing the reader (viewer, listener) orgasm revelation.
But it did not happen. Alas!
, however, admit it's not in the book, and in me. Surely someone had read, was ecstatic.
Memory Candle In Wedding Program
Federal Act on December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ "On Protection of Children on the information harmful to their health and development "
read.Article 5. Types of information harmful to the health and (or) the development of children
...2. For information gap for distribution to children, includes information on:
1) encourage children to commit acts that endanger their lives and (or) health, including including to harm their health and suicide; (and in fact here, if desired, include all the books about the pioneer heroes who blew themselves up along with the Nazis)
2) the ability to call the children desire to use drugs, psychotropic substances and (or) intoxicants, tobacco, alcohol and alcohol products, beer and beverages produced on its basis, to participate in gambling, prostitution, vagrancy or begging; ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in its pure form)
3) substantiating or justifying admissibility violence and (or) violence or encouraging exercise violent acts against people or animals, except as provided настоящим Федеральным законом; ("Отвечал ему Вася Васильчиков: Хоть и жаль мне твоих крокодильчиков, Но тебя, кровожадная гадина, Я сейчас изрублю, как beef! Me, you creep, you have nothing to regret, a lot of meat you ate a Human! ")
4) denying family values and forming a disrespect for parents and (or) other family members; (In the novel, Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper" daddy "needy", the last scum; Greenwood in the story "Little beggar," the chief Hero was forced to do away from home, where he was beaten, in Chekhov's stories "sleepy" little girl before zatyukali that she was forced to strangle the infant etc.)
5) justify the wrongful conduct; (The book Gaidar Timur and his team of "Timur broke the lock the barn and, in fact, hijacked a motorcycle; in Leskov's story "The Man on the clock" of the soldiers, it turns out, nothing save a drowning because violated an order not to leave the post)
6) containing obscene language;
7) containing information of a pornographic nature.
3. For information dissemination to the children of certain age groups is limited, includes information on:
1) provided in the form of images or descriptions of violence, physical and (or) mental violence, crime or other antisocial acts; ("Cinderella" and "Frost" - a classic example of psychological abuse by her stepmother with respect to the step-child; "Crime and Punishment" provides a detailed description of the crime)
2) make children fear, terror or panic, including those represented in the form images or descriptions of the abject and dehumanizing form of non-violent death, illness, suicide, accident, accident or disaster, and (or) their consequences; ("Wii", "Headless Horseman", etc)
3) provided in the form of images or descriptions of sexual relations between man and woman;
4) containing swear words and expressions that are not related to using foul language. (I wonder what, exactly? "There are a huge number of classical works in which branes "censorship")
And what to do here is:
"... on end would now hair from those terrible marks ferocity half-savage century, which carried the Cossacks everywhere. Beaten babies, cut the breast in women, skin is grazed down to his knees in were released, - In short, a large coin repaid Cossacks former debts. "
NV Gogol's" Taras Bulba "
" ... Yefim not felt in his mouth, breaking teeth wrenching gums, deep thrust count, did not feel like forks pierced his chest and bulged out, stuck in the spine ... "
MA Sholokhov," The death enemy "of the cycle Don stories
" tracked down the house the Village chieftain. From the attic to the basement all searched, - do not have it. Fled. Then they shouted:
- NE Cola vylizish, ditey ruined!
Ataman not got.
they cut children. Atamansha lap trailed with tossing braids neotdiraemo clutching at their legs. One said reproachfully:
- Chogo are screaming, yak rizanaya? From a yak mene akkurat your daughter, three-year ... In the rubble zakapaly there, the mountains - that I did not scream.
cut a girl, then ruined the skull of the mother laughed. "
A. Serafimovich, "Iron Stream"
"... In this moment they heard a piercing scream - it crying Klaas, whose body was burning one side only. Then he paused. Tears streamed down his face.
And then came the roar of the crowd. Men, women and children shouted:
- Klaas was sentenced to be burned at high heat, and not to slow! Section fire executioner!
executioner began to inflate, but no flame flared up.
- Better boa it! - Shouted the people.
In Profos flew stones.
- Fire! Big fire! - Exclaimed. Sootkin.
And sure enough: the crimson flame vymahnulo to the very heavens.
- now he dies - said the widow. - Good Lord! Join with the world of spirit innocent sufferer! Why is not the king? I would have snatched their hands his heart!
with cathedral belfry sailed knell.
And Sootkin heard how terrible Klaas shouted, but she has not seen, features twisted his body on fire, as flour distorted his features as he turned the head and it hit the pole. People shouted, whistled, women and children throwing stones, but suddenly a fire blazed on all sides, and all clearly heard Claes voice, break through the smoke and flames:
- Sootkin! Til!
Then his head like a preserver of lead, hung helplessly on his chest "
S. Koster, "Till Eulenspiegel"
"... 19 people shouted and blew trumpets. As soon as people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people cried with a loud voice, and struck the wall [the city] to its base, and the people went into the city, each with his hand and took the city.
20 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, and husbands and wives, both young and old, and ox, and sheep, and donkeys, [all destroyed] by the sword " Bible, the Book of Joshua, Chapter 6.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Manual Telescope Edu Science
BREAKFAST - the word comes from the expression " m about what should be a trachoma ", ie Hard to - eating after soundly morning sex.
LUNCH - a time when, not to stay hungry, we must try to overeat at the table all the rest.
DINNER - worst of all meals, " huzhin ", when almost everything has already been eaten earlier and there were only crumbs.
Lunch - bourgeois coined term for the court Lynch ( Lentsch ) for breakfast laden stomach.
Snack - warped the word " fifty dollars ", that is how much money should be allocated to refuel after ob'eda .
Invitation Message For Birthday Asking For Money
I note that in the hole not just cold, but very cold!
I guess I just do not have a religious obsession, the blessed light in his eyes, which people gradually go under water, and then, already on the shore, excitedly telling what grace they descended. ))))
Confidentiality Clauses In Employment Contract
listened audioroman Arthur Hailey Airport. Very thorough and well written work. It's nice when an author writes about what is parsed (or could understand), raises important issues for all, touch on issues of concern very many. Especially getting through what is described almost coincided with what is happening at our airports. :)
At some point I even thought it was one of the best books I've read in recent years. But then it seemed that the ending is somehow blurred. Not enough of tragedy, or something. Again, this pure cine happy ending! Hailey in great detail, and prescribe in detail the background of many heroes, and then somehow very quickly turns the narrative.
Certainly, I think there is a movie in this novel?
"Of course there is - our" Crew "!")))))
Friday, January 14, 2011
Program Ideas For Church Banquet
I was cold I was cold
Spring Spring Snow is falling rose
Kardelens comrade
apricot blossom
I was cold snow spring summer wild flowers, hand in hand
summer came I was cold winter, the snow was cold
countryside more bahardayken
spring I was cold at the start of spring, rose, rose
There was no word
another type of spring this year the colors of spring, I was cold
supposedly left rose
There was the summer before the countryside rose
wild flowers in the bunch of flowers
. Nights the sun does not come at all
batmadığı wilderness wildflower
Poyrazla load the plains villages, cities, cities of the dead-end streets
days to do the way the wild flowers had a rose, I was cold days
spring break I was cold I was cold the snow was cold
spring break or you
you, you also profit
April in spite of floods caused by snow snowdrops
you as soon as the race through the streets of cities
floods overflowing the first falling
first light first light Make me scream
heart full of wild flower wildflower
snow flower over fire in a most kızlından
bunch of wild flower carnation
flood parts of the cliffs Make me
floods. I rose, I'll
. Spring was cold
Acne Best Foundation 2010
It's snowing I was cold
Spring Snowdrops comrade rose
apricot blossom
I was cold snow spring summer wild flowers, hand in hand
summer came I was cold winter snow I was cold
countryside more bahardayken
spring I was cold at the start of spring, rose, rose
this year Type the colors of spring, there was no other word
not promise rose
summer before I was cold spring had
countryside bunch of wild flowers in the
rose flowers. Nights the sun does not come at all
batmadığı wilderness wildflower
Poyrazla load the plains villages, cities, cities of the dead-end streets
days of the wild flowers had to do the way I was cold days rose
spring break I was cold I was cold the snow was cold
spring break or you
I also caused flooding in April
profit you
you snowdrops snow does not persist in the race through the streets of cities
floods overflowing the first scream
first light first light Make me
falling snow flower wild flower
heart full of wild flowers
fire over the prairie flower
a bunch of carnations floods, flooding parts of the cliffs
Make me. I rose, I'll
. What are some Gripping
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Can Rapadura Sugar Replace Brown Sugar
Fámiðillinn Apoplogia has unfortunately not been the extensive use of late. I miss the blog, it's good brain exercise to think of experiences in the column, rather than 140-character status updates. If I strung áramótaheit reconstruction could be one such apologist.
log shows signs of website offspring was taken into account in writing and I had to take me hard to write about me in the first-person. The entire season I have just been "mum" on the website of the child. But here's langhundur the fine of 2010:
At the beginning of my maternity leave ended pleasant when I returned to work in the Library of Kópavogs þrettándanum. It was weird to be away from offspring all day, but of course all the pleasures that she was with her father while rather than strangers. He began taking six months maternity leave.
girl grew this month as one, began to eat Cheerios and stick up a bit. She also moved from the master bedroom into his room, which was very adult. So did her parents that she goes to sleep every night. There is a desperation that had intervened in the camp of the family had been told that it would not happen until December ...
February is often tíðindalaus month, but not so this time. Namely Freydís learned his first words: "I fell!
In March Freydís was the first time snjóþotu out, learned to pat and went to tell mom. Mid-month the parents decided to nine-month old baby would not have to drink at night and I moved away from home for several nights to routine child of ósiðnum, first it did not happen by itself when it moved to another room. Damaged from saying that it avail to guess the month, then went Freydís just waking up ever earlier in the night, claiming that the day would come. Ultimately, the proposed I returned her to bed after one refresh morning administration at six and the girl was ecstasy going back to bed tired and her mom did it too. And just like the night That presents yet again on the agenda.
in March was also held at the annual conference on children's books in the Library. She dealt with the exploitation of cultural heritage in books intended for children and vowed From the shiny gray forneskju book. I sat in the Preparation for the information, social library and information science, and IBBY. This was a great conference and well attended.
In April, the thought of cultural activities continue to bear fruit - it was so bókmenntahátíðin swamp, in each of the Preparatory I also had a seat, held. Or so. Thus to the extent. It was namely eruptions. And any fine the foreigners who were trying to scoop out their viskubrunnum were stuck at home. Out was to keep half a bog, it was a fun day for Children in the Nordic House, which was shown excerpts from a play about Fíusól and authors and translators read from their works. Freydís could galvösk course and had a blast.
It was not the first theater experience Freydis. She was earlier this month, at seven in the morning when the mother and daughter went to listen to the recitation of the study report in the City. This was the period when the same listed Freydís was trying to come back at night adapter potty train and woke up really early, mother and daughter had to find something to make us fun.
in April gave the benefit noteworthy IBBY out company brochure the reader a week the book was carried out with Fréttabladid. I wrote two articles in the newspaper - one interview and a new one on Book reading children. Freydís was my main thread in the second, and with him showing a picture of week-old girl berstrípaðri up in shelving. Which was carried out in all buildings in the country. This will probably be late for ...
Stórviðburður May - and in fact the year - of course, was the birth little niece. Hilda and trust reared daughter of alþjóðadegi tortoise acid, 23 May The girl was obviously much superior right breast and all the families who stand to her great joy. She is 50 weeks younger than Freydís cousins and share them so much genetic material as they are related and hálfsystur.
In May, the music started Freydís Sólrúnu Harpa course with her friend and saw (with Sólrúnu) plays on the bounce and funny.
Towards the end of the month I was elected chairman of IBBY Iceland. Exciting project and an honor to be trusted with it.
Freydís became a one-year sixth June and held a small bet here at home. The marine theme was at the party where Fishermen bar a birth Freydis. It was a good day and birthday was happy.
12th June 6 on our wedding anniversary couple, sister Hilda graduated as a lawyer (OMG!) and my little niece named Laufey Ásdís. I had to guess the last name - who was also taken from the air - But not the latter. It was a good and fun day.
We took our family mini-vacation around the 17th June if I remember correctly - a four-day weekend.
Month began on the Hawk returned to doctoral studies. Freydís had to get a room at a kindergarten of 13 August, stated that it had to solve the placement of her otherwise. Most of this month she was staying with his frame, but so did the mother her vacation and was on vacation until the beginning of kindergarten. It was nice fjarskalega.
analyzed in sumarbústaðarferð Þingvellir this month and Freydis found it really fun and interesting.
Hawk was thirty 14th July. We thought traditional fjölskylduboð - will wait with really big party that the doctoral defense.
Freydís We were on holiday in the early months and have enjoyed success. We were considerably often their together, visited people, went to the shops and have fun.
weekend was spent on the family inheritance in Þingvallasveit.
I got a short story published in the society, the first time I try myself to crime writing. It was not very exciting and I think I stopped submitting stories in such competitions. It's just so tempting, because rather small effort delivers very tangible results!
13th August began so Freydis adjustment to kindergarten and went straight away rather badly. She got its initial fever in the second week of adjustment. Struck down to the end of the month and was sick for a long time.
At the beginning of the month Freydís was still weak. 2. September, she has become so tired that they had left at Children Medical Services late in the evening and then went to the center. Since we were a week the girl turned out to be an infection in the hip had to be taken seriously.
In September I was planning on heimsþing IBBY in Santiago de Compostela in Spain, but the illness hömluðu turning. It was sad to miss it, I was excited to go.
Shortly after returning from the hospital was the second part of the program held on the moors, and took him very well. Heavy turnout and fine foreigners came all the way. It was very enjoyable.
adjustment began again in Game Garði foaming could begin to re-download all sickness were available.
I began teaching writing courses at our Hulda Library in mid-month. It began with the publication of the center which has been operating during the winter last three years, now was offered eight weeks of instruction each week with a fixed group of participants. It went pretty well and I enjoyed teaching, though I would often gegnvot of sweat after hours.
Big News of the month were private daughter took her first steps, a few days before the 16-month birthday. She was very pleased with himself and diligent practice. We took her on her first concert.
It was possible to say that the baby would start walking this month. She was 17 months. Illnesses contracted, however, were still quite frequent, and in consultation with the pediatrician, we decided that I device four weeks parental leave from work. Grandma took Ásdís vikufrí so since the end of November was the girl free of Garden Club for the moment.
In November, again tried to get children to stop drinking at night. That did eventually, but now she wants to still often call her dad to his room, hug him a bit and then go back to sleep. However, it has been waning as the year progresses and more and more often it happens that the baby sleeps like a rock all night.
In cultural news IBBY stood for Mummy-night the bass player and manager this month, but the book came out Halastjarnan again. There were a lot of good news. I have always surprised and happy about how such events are well attended, cultural coverage is something that people have obviously interested.
In December, I was more or less on vacation with Freydis and it was absolutely wonderful. The person on her daily progress when it got to be healthy and in an environment that she trusted. She was so happy and confident, learned new things and flourished in any way. It will be hard to send her back to kindergarten.
At the start of the permit called me from my Bookmark and I asked to write reviews of books for the paper. I accepted it with thanks - both were comfortable extra earned good wages in the license-free and so is so much fun to read children's books. And an honor to get to join a public debate about them. Fréttablaðið has so far not dealt with children's books so this was extra fun.
Year ended ljúflega. The family, Hilda, trust and Laufey Ásdís were with my parents on Christmas Eve and my mom and dad invited back home on Christmas Day. We enjoyed the holidays fjarskalega well and little girls were very genuine and lovely.
On New Year's Eve we sat Hawk so the wedding harp and Oscar, who was both beautiful and fun. That night we started our first real Yule, Hilda, trust, Laufey Ásdís, mom, dad and grandfather were all in hamborgarhrygg and associated. Went pretty comparable, but explains why the log file showing the wrong side of Christmas this year.