Green Laser
In our shopping mall opened a boutique, which sells all sorts of devices CCTV and laser stuff. Surprised by the price list, in which the product is Power Laser II-600mW already sold over 30 000. A sort of magic wand, Pointer marked "Ray hit a 40 km.
I asked the seller, but why do I need this thing? A dog knows it, he says, but just so, a trifle. No, I insist, perhaps for something it badly, eh? Well, let's say, the signals in the nearby town of feeding, the clouds of paint, etc. Perhaps, he says.
No, I just ugorayu from such sellers ... )))
In fact, деле, этой фиговиной хорошо врагов зрения лишать. :) Светанул в глаз - и хана сетчатке. А если изделие помощнее выбрать, то им, говорят, можно и костёр зажечь. И, кстати, What about the clouds, I guess - is that if a person lost in the woods, it is enough to write SOS in heaven, that he was noticed from orbit. ))))
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