What expressions obagatili political dictionary Arabian revolution?
yet comes to mind:
1) Tunisian scenario (Examples: Tunisian scenario for Russia , " In Egypt, the Tunisian scenario repeats ", " Tunisian scenario Revolution began in the DPRK ". Option " Arabic scenario ".
2) Jasmine Tea (" thirst, which can quench jasmine tea ", China suppressed" jasmine revolution ", the name of the most popular Tea is now locked in the search portals )
3) Tahrir (a value of "Independence" during the Ukrainian Orange Revolution).
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to mind by the way comes a neologism -" MaydanoKratiya, which describe well the situation
4) Revolution Facebook (by model tviternoy Revolution in Iran), " Revolution named Zuckerberg
« FaceBook Revolution: Leaders of Arab States to discuss what we do with that Zuckerberg »
5) Mubarak, (meaning - the doomed pro-American dictators such as" Georgian Mubarak ")
6) Gaddafi (for example," Little Gaddafi ")
What is forgotten?
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