Continuing post about, then as a priest reprinted tale by Alexander Pushkin on the pope and the employee it Balde ", while he replaced it got to the merchant .
fact that the priest himself did not change. He only regained pre-revolutionary publishing version.
After Pushkin's death, immediately after the removal of the body, Vasily Zhukovsky sealed cabinet Pushkin its seal, and then got permission transfer of the manuscript of the poet to his apartment.
All subsequent months Zhukovsky involved in parsing of Pushkin's manuscripts, preparation for publication of the posthumous Collected works and all property deeds, becoming one of the three guardians of the poet (in the words Vyazemsky guardian angel of the family).
And he wanted to works that might not pass in the author's version of censorship, yet been published.
And then begins Zhukovsky edit. That is me.
In the seventeen years before his death, the genius of Pushkin Zhukovsky presented his portrait with the inscription: « winner-loser pupil from a teacher at the vysokotorzhestvenny day in which he finished his poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. 1820 March 26, Good Friday »
In 1837, the teacher sits edit student essays that do not can pass the attestation commission.
Zhukovsky, forced to submit to Pushkin's descendants, as loyal and Christian. "
So in the tale "On the pope and the employee's Balde" Booty replaces the merchant.
But there were more important things. One of the most prominent improvements Zhukovsky, Pushkin's text - This is the famous « I erected a monument to his miraculous ».
Pushkin's original text in its original spelling:
I pamyatnik sebѣ vozdvig miraculous;
unto him not zarastet people's path;
ascended above, he shall head defiant
Aleksandriyskago pillar.
Nѣt! all I will not die! The soul unto zavѣtnoy lirѣ
My prah perezhivet and tlѣnya ubѣzhit -
slaven And I will until unto podlunnom mirѣ
Zhiv it shall be even odin piit.
Sluh about mnѣ proydet across all Russia great,
And nazovet me vsyak suschiy unto her yazyk:
And proud vnuk slavyan and finn and nynѣ dikiy
Tunguz and drug steppes kalmyk.
How long will I tѣm lyubezen people,
What I'm feeling dobryya lyre probuzhdal,
What unto my zhestokiy vѣk vozslavil I am free,
and mercy unto padshim prizyval.
Velѣnyu Bozhiyu, a muse, be obedient:
grievances without fear, without requiring vѣntsa,
praise and slander priemli indifference
and does not challenge the fool.
This poem, AS Pushkin devoted an enormous literature. (There is even a special dvuhsotstranichnaya work: Alekseev, MP "Pushkin's poem" I erected a monument to himself ...». LA, New York, 1967).. According to its genre is the poem goes back to the long centuries of tradition. You can analyze what preceded Russian and French translations and transcriptions of Odes (III.XXX) Horace differ from Pushkin's text, which made Pushkin in the interpretation of the theme, etc. But to compete with Alekseev within a short position is not necessary.
final Pushkin's text - are already subject to self-censorship. If you look at drafts , we see more clearly what actually was going to say Alexander is more accurate. See a trend.
The original version was: « What unto slѣd Radishchev vozslavil I freedom »
But looking at the final version, Zhukovsky understands that this poem censorship will not work.
is worth at least this mentioned in the poem « Alexander Column ». It is clear what is meant is not an architectural miracle "Pompeyev pillar" in a distant Alexandria, Egypt, and the column in honor of Alexander the First in the city of St. Petersburg (especially when you consider that it is next to the phrase "the head of the rebellious").
Pushkin contrasts his "miraculous" the glory of the monument to the glory of the material created in honor of him whom he called "an enemy of labor, inadvertently warmed glory." Opposition, which Pushkin himself also could not ask to see in print As the burned section of his "novel in verse."
Alexander Column shortly before Pushkin's poetry was built (1832) and opened (1834) near from the place where later was the last apartment of the poet.
column was glorified as a symbol of unbreakable autocratic power in a number of pamphlets and poems shinelnyh " poets. Pushkin, to avoid the presence at the ceremony opening the column, in his poems fearlessly stated that his glory above Alexandria pillar.
What makes Zhukovsky? It replaces the « Alexandria » to « Napoleon ».
Napoleon pillar.
Instead of confrontation, "Poet Power" appears the opposition of Russia-Napoleon. " Too personal. But on the other.
Another big problem with the line: « What's in my cruel age I extolled freedom » - this is a direct reminder of the rebellious ode to "liberty" young Pushkin, that glorified the "freedom", that was the cause of his six-year references, and later - Gendarme careful observation of him.
What makes Zhukovsky?
What I'm feeling good lyre awakening,
What's in my cruel age I extolled freedom
and mercy for the fallen called
What I'm feeling good lyre awakening,
that the charm of living poetry I was helpful
and mercy for the fallen called
How wrote about these great menu text researcher Sergei M. Bondi:
substitution of one verse in the penultimate stanza of the other composed Zhukovsky, completely changed the content of the entire stanza, gave new meaning even to those verses of Pushkin, Zhukovsky, who upheld.
And long I will be the people I'm nice ...
Here Zhukovsky just rearranged the words of Pushkin's text ("How long will I have those kind people"), in order to get rid of Pushkin's rhyme "the people" - "freedom."
What I'm feeling good lyre awakening .. .
word "good" in the Russian language has multiple meanings. In this context, (the "feeling good") may be a choice between only two values: "good" in the sense of "good" (cf. the expression "good evening" "Good health") or in a moral sense - a sense of kindness toward people. " Alteration of Zhukovsky next verse gives the expression "feeling good "is the second, a moral sense.
that the charm of living poetry I was helpful
and mercy for the fallen called.
«Live the charm of" Pushkin's poems not only pleases readers, gives them aesthetic pleasure, but (at Zhukovsky) and bring them direct benefits. What benefit is clear from the whole context: poetry Pushkin evoke feelings of kindness to people and call for graciously treated to a "fallen", that is sinned against the moral law, not to condemn them, help them. "
Interestingly, Zhukovsky, managed to create quite antipushkinskuyu their content stanza. He was substituted. He has put in place Salieri Mozart.
After all, the envious Salieri poisoner, confident that the talent is rewarded for diligence and hard work of art requires use iuprekaet Mozart: "What good is it if Mozart would live and still reach new heights?" And. Etc. But Mozart in favor of care. « We few are chosen, the lucky idle, limit we ignore the despicable use, a single fine priests . »And Pushkin's quite Mozartian ratio to use. « You would benefit all - on weight of the idol you appreciate Belvedere ».
A Zhukovsky puts « that the charm of living poetry I was helpful »
More precisely, these lines antipushkinskie adorned the monument to Pushkin.
1870 in Moscow, a committee was formed to collect donations for the installation of the monument to the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. As a result, competition jury selected the project of sculptor AMOpekushin. June 18, 1880 the grand opening of the monument.
on the pedestal on the right side was cut:
And how long will those people I'm nice,
What I'm feeling good lyre awakening.
As such, the monument stood for 57 years. After the Revolution, located into exile Tsvetaeva indignant in one of his articles: "Nesmyty and indelible disgrace. This is what we were supposed to start the Bolsheviks! With what an end! But the false lines painted. Lies the king, now become a lie people. "
Bolsheviks fix the lines on the monument.
Ironically it was most severe in 1937 will be the year the rehabilitation of the poem "I erected a monument to his miraculous."
old text were cut down, the surface is sanded, rock around the new letters were cut down to a depth of 3 millimeters, which created a light gray background for the text. Also, instead of couplets carved quatrains, and outdated replaced by a modern grammar.
It happened at the centenary of the death of Pushkin, who celebrated in the Soviet Union with Stalin's grand scale.
A to 150-th birthday poem surviving truncation.
« hundred and fifty years since the birth of Pushkin (in 1949), the country celebrated not as loud as the bicentennial, but still quite pompous.
It was, as usual, a solemn meeting at the Bolshoi. At the podium were members of the Politburo and the other, as they then it was say, "nobles of our country."
Report on the life and works of the great poet did Konstantin Simonov.
itself, and the entire course of this Inaugural Meeting, and Simonov report broadcast on radio throughout the country.
But the masses - especially somewhere out there in the outback, - Little interest in this event did not show.
Anyway, in the small Kazakh town on the central area which has been established speaker, no one - including the local authorities - do not expect that the report Simon suddenly cause the population of such intense interest.
loudspeaker wheezed something special, not too fussy. Area, as usual, was empty. But by the beginning of a solemn meeting was broadcast from the Bolshoi Theatre, - or rather, the beginning of Simonovsky report - the whole area suddenly filled with a crowd of horsemen galloped up from nowhere. The riders dismounted and froze in silence a loudspeaker .
Least of all, they were similar to the connoisseurs of belles-lettres. These were very simple people, badly dressed, with a tired, exhausted persons. But in the official word Simonovsky report, they listened as though from what is now tells it, the Bolshoi Theatre, the famous poet who depended on the whole their lives.
But at some point, somewhere around the middle of the report, they suddenly lost all interest in him. Jumped on their horses and galloped away - just unexpectedly, and as quickly as they came.
They were deported to Kazakhstan Kalmyks. And they rushed in from distant places of their settlement in this town, in this area, with a single purpose: to hear, will deliver a Moscow reporter, when he cited the text of Pushkin's "Monument" (a he's sure to be his quote! As without this?), The words: "And one of the steppes of Kalmykia".
If he had uttered them, it would mean that the grim fate of the exiled People suddenly lit up a weak ray of hope.
But, in spite of their fearful expectations, Simonov, these words never uttered.
«Monument" Of course, he cited. And even read the relevant verse. But - not all of it. Not until the end:
rumor about me will be great for the whole of Russia,
And call me everyone who is in her language,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, now a wild
Tungus ...
And - everything. On the "Tungus" quote was broken.
I also listened to then (On the radio, of course) of the report. And also drew attention to the strange and unexpected perepolovinil Rapporteur Pushkin's line. But that is behind this dangling quote, learned much later. And this history of Kalmyk, rushed from distant places, to hear a report Simonov, I too was told Then, many years later. And then I'm only surprised that when quoting Pushkin's Monument "the speaker somehow lost the rhyme. And it is very was surprised that Simon (the poet after all!) for no apparent reason suddenly mutilated excellent Pushkin's line.
missing rhyme Pushkin returned only eight years later. Only in the 57-m (after Stalin's death, after XX Congress) who was exiled people returned to their native Kalmyk steppe, and the text of Pushkin's "Monument" could наконец цитироваться в своем первозданном виде. Даже со сцены Большого театра».
Benedict Sarnoff « Stalin and writers first book ».
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