Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mirena Metallic Taste


listened to the historical narrative Eugene Tarle "Napoleon" . Keenly felt, how bad I was taught in school history, how little I know about great people. Because, unfortunately, the image of Napoleon in person, I formed from 1) the eponymous cake, 2) a small and funny man in a cocked hat with the traditional shove the lapels of his uniform hand - a sort of visitor psihlechebnitsy, 3) the commander, which crashed near Moscow.

And the fact that out of more than 60 battles he defeated, probably only two, as in the 1812 campaign was not a single battle which he lost, he managed to push the boundaries of the empire to unprecedented extent that the French people adored him, even after the deposition that he was even at the zenith of fame is not zapadlo was personally lead troops forward under fire and bayonets, it somehow falls out of context. Still, we are able to build a school, patriotic education so that in the minds of children, "our" are obtained heroes, such as Zhukov and Suvorov, and "not ours" - a pathetic failure, such as Paulus and Karl XII.

... When they say, they say, "it would have energy for peaceful purposes, yes!" I am not always imagined, SC, in principle, it is possible. Yes, Napoleon was great not only on the battlefield, he is well versed in politics, economics, law, etc. May be out of it came to a brilliant foreign minister or head of Dalstroi. Still, it was the perfect war machine. A sort of tank "Leopard" which, of course, can be used for peaceful purposes, such as a tractor or ATV, but it is infinitely lower the potential of what he actually possesses and what was originally intended.


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