Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Does A Rare Wolf Look Like


came a terrific newsletter - the announcement of a new magazine with umoproyasnitelnym called Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man "
Who cares -
preparing to publish the first issue of the International Scientific and popular fitness magazine Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man. " Our magazine is established
Krasnodar regional public organization "Academy psihogolubeterapii - Treatment dove."
idea of creating magazine did not emerge immediately and not today. This publication - the result of hard work, extensive training and the incredible efforts of people of different professions, attitudes and nationalities. Over his release worked ornithologists, psychologists, therapists, biologists, Pigeon and just nature lovers who believe in the future and the miraculous power psihogolubeterapii.
the pages of our magazine you can find many new and interesting facts about different breeds of pigeons, their content, feeding and prevention of many diseases through psihogolubeterapii. What is "psihogolubeterapiya? - You ask. The answer - is treated pigeons through their hearing, contemplation, communion with them. This is a highly effective method of healing various diseases that have a psycho-somatic nature. Long noted that the observation of the flight of these birds, their movements and behavior, have a great healing effect on humans. The main thing - to stop the habitual negative thoughts that destroy the human body. Involvement in communication with the pigeons carries a positive charge recovery.
Editorial Board hopes in close contact with their readers, with Pigeon. We will be happy if we publish it all together, together. Send newspaper and magazine clippings Related golubevodstva and psihogolubeterapii, your photos, pictures, articles, notes, stories and poems about the pigeons, their communion with them. We are very interested in your emotions, inner feelings, insight, experienced in dealing with these magnificent birds. In the future we plan to start manufacturing pigeon attributes: products plaster birds, various metals, ceramics, pottery, glass, porcelain, wood and stone. We will produce and distribute the coins, figurines, goblets, medals, badges, cigarette cases, as well as postage stamps, postcards, calendars, chevrons, pennants, posters depicting doves. In addition, forthcoming book "Psihogolubeterapiya. Treatment of pigeons, or introduction to the miracle, "the author YI Harchuk.
The term "International" in the title of our journal is also not accidental. Today edited by enlisted the support and desire to help produce our publication, many Russian and foreign ornithologists, Pigeon, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. The journal is published in Russian and English languages and distributed worldwide.
word, "Psihogolubeterapiya + Pigeons and Man" - this is your guide in the infinite space of feelings and emotions, your source of healing and self-knowledge, your indispensable prompter and assistant! Start your journey in the world of creativity and healing, together with our magazine!

Treatment pigeons - it is certainly a miracle.
Ash pepper it all - separate directions animaloterapii.
But if allocated, then let's build logs
- Psihopaukoterapiya + Spiders and Man
- Psihoslizneterapiya + Molluscs and Man
- Psihoryboterapiya + Fish and Man
- Psihokoneterapiya + Horses and Man
- Psihosobakoterapiya + Dogs and Man
- Psihoobezyanoterapiya + Monkeys and Man
- Psihoovtseterapiya + Sheep and Man
There is no limit to perfection!


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